Friday, September 23, 2011



Ahh, the first day of fall, 2011. It starts later this year but that's ok because it's been such a fabulous summer. I hate to see it go but I also love this new season. Crisp, sunny days...brilliant fall foliage...and then there's the downside. Dragging out the warmer clothes...raking those leaves. Again. And yet again.

Fall is the start of new beginnings. The start of new classes, new projects, new goals for the coming year. Forget New Year's Day & resolutions. I think that fall is the time of year we gear up for many of the changes in our lives.

But with all this enthusiasm, it can also be a time of too little time. If you're on a deadline with your writing -- say, you get a last minute request to re-do a chapter in a yet-to-be-published book, while having to finish the synopsis of the next one -- and do it in less than a week, there can be a time issue at work here.That's because all these other activities that have been on summer break have now started up. It's time to get into a new routine and re-distribute those dwindling daylight hours.

And what about all those appointments? Odd how the doctor, the dentist, the physiotherapist all need to see you within the same week. It's also time to visit the hair stylist!

And of course, Canadian Tire has a sale flyer that's packed with items I've been accumulating on a shopping list. And then, there's grocery shopping -- a necessity, especially when guests are invited for dinner. And how about all those other sale flyers that are jammed into the mid-week newspaper? And, don't forget...Christmas is coming. You can never start in too early tracking down those special gifts.

Time to do some transplanting in the garden, also. And the lawn needs mowing. The car needs washing. What -- it that cat fur dust balls in all the corners of the living room -- yikes! Remember, guests are coming.

What is it I do with my hours? I write while at choir when the other sections are going over their lines. I read while sitting in waiting rooms. I make lists of when to tackle outside chores. I vacuum while waiting for the food on the BBQ.

I try really hard to make time for my friends because getting together for a laugh is the best way to stay grounded and sane. How about a walk in the Gatineaus? It is fall, after all. The time is right!

Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
A Killer Read coming April, 2012
from Berkley Prime Crime

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