I'm sorry to be the one to mention this, but fall is on its way. I know, a bit soon to think of that, and our summer has been fabulous. But look at the positive things about fall -- not having to wear sun screen and all the new mysteries on the fall publishing lists!
If you live in the Ottawa area, it will be an exciting fall as new books will be out from Brenda Chapman (her first adult mystery after many years of writing children & YA), and C.B. Forrest's second book, plus Vicki Delany has another Klondike title out, Mary Jane Maffini's 4th Charlotte Adams came out in July, and Rick Mofina has a new release, too -- which they'll all continue to promote at various events and signings. That's just a sampling of what to look for this fall and they'll be joined by many more Canadian mystery authors.
Check your local bookstore for news about signings -- in particular, Leishmans Books in Ottawa for launch news. And, visit these blog and websites for even more tidbits -- Type M For Murder, One Woman Crime Wave, Crime Writers of Canada, Bloody Words 2011. If you have any favourite blog sites, please let me know!
I'm on holidays for the next two weeks, but promise to update this blog as soon as I'm back. I'd like to leave you with my first Mystery Maven review.
by Mary Jane Maffini
Berkley Prime Crime

Trust Charlotte to right wrongs and tidy the clutter...and leave you smiling. Trust Mary Jane Maffini to serve up a tasty blend of humour, tension, wonderful characters, and of course, organizing tips. And, did I mention the mystery? Maffini gets it all right!
Check out her website for listings of her three series. And soon, you can visit her at Mystery Maven for Mondays are Murder.
As always I look forward to Mary Jane's books. Each series is interesting but Charlotte also provides useful tips to help create order out of chaos and I need all the help I can get.