Happy Canada Day!
What a gloriously sunny day it is, although the humidex may get bit too high later today, for my tastes anyway. Which is part of the reason I won't be joining in the William & Kate lovefest at the Hill. But mostly, it's because of the hordes, already assembling in the early hours.
I'm delighted the Royal newlyweds are celebrating our national holiday with us, here in the capital. But I think I'll stay at home, in my shaded backyard, with some cool Canadians. Reading, that is.
Besides celebrating our nation's birthday, we should also celebrate the wealth of criminally-minded writers that call Canada home. Not only do we have the numbers, we have the talent! And the variety. You can wile away the humid afternoon in quaint but slightly sinister Three Pines, Quebec. Or in Halifax, Victoria or Algonquin Bay. And of course, Ottawa!
You can get some great tips on organizing your home, mixing an alcoholic beverage, or take in a bit of history about Victorian Toronto. Canadian authors will also transport you to Easter Island, Costa Rica or Dublin.
Spend some time with Gail Bowen, Barbara Fradkin, C.B. Forrest, Lou Allin, Joan Boswell, Garry Ryan, R.J. Harlick, Anthony Bidulka, Mary Jane Maffini, Vicki Delany, Kay Stewart, Robin Spano, Pam Callow, D.J. McIntosh, Giles Blunt, Phyllis Smallman, Brenda Chapman, Peter Robinson, John Moss, Tom Heneghan, John Brady, Thomas Rendell Curran, Janet Bolin, William Deverell, The Ladies' Killing Circle, Suzanne Kingsmill, Hilary MacLeod, Donald Hauka...the list goes on and on. I knew I shouldn't start naming names -- I would certainly end up leaving out some very important Canadian mystery authors. No disrespect meant & in no way does that mean they're not on the 'A' list of crime reading. But you can fill in the blanks with your own personal favourites.
The point is...we have some terrific mystery and crime authors and we should wave the flag when it comes to their books. So, Happy Canada Day and Happy Reading!
To find out more about Cool Canadian Crime, visit the Crime Writers of Canada

Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
A Killer Read coming April, 2012
from Berkley Prime Crime
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