Friday, June 20, 2014


Taking time to highlight some of the recently released mysteries by Canadian crime writers! As always, this is just a sample of what’s come out in the past few months. The way I choose them is if I hear about them, either from the authors themselves or their publishers. If you’re not on this list, please keep in touch at

So, starting locally, R.J.(Robin)Harlick has recently launched the sixth Meg Harris mystery, Silver Totem of Shame (see my review from June 6th), this one set on the West Coast, mainly on the fascinating islands of Haida Guaii. Launching with Robin was Vicki Delany, whose seventh Const. Molly Smith mystery is set in the equally compelling Banff area and includes a stay in the Banff Springs Hotel. It’s called Under Cold Stone.

Vicki had a second book she was launching at the same event, Juba Good, part of the Rapid Reads line and featuring RCMP officer Ray Robertson, on duty in South Sudan.

Mike Martin
has a third book in his RCMP Sgt. Windflower series set in Newfoundland, Beneath the Surface.

Deryn Collier has a second book out with coroner Bern Fortin, set in the Kootenay region of B.C., Open Secret.

The Quin and Morgan Mysteries by John Moss, continue with this latest addition, Blood Wine. It’s a police procedural set in Toronto.

And, Suzanne Kingsmill has a third book in the Cordi O’Callaghan series, Dying for Murder, just out.

As does Janet Bolin with Night of the Living Thread being the fourth in her Threadville Mysteries.

Earlier this year, Something Fishy was added to the Shores mystery series, by Hilary MacLeod. That's the title, folks!

There’s a lot of reading in this list, especially if you haven’t yet gotten to this fine line-up. But you’d better hurry and get started because there’s a lot more coming out in the next few months!

In August, Erika Chase has the fourth book in her Ashton Corners Book Club Mysteries out, Book Fair and Foul; and Sam Wiebe’s first mystery, Last of the Independents, which won the 2012 Unhanged Arthur Award from Crime Writers of Canada, will be on the shelves.

Other titles to watch for: The Wolfe Widow by Victoria Abbott (aka Mary Jane Maffini and Victoria Maffini); from Cathy Ace, Cait Morgan Mystery #4, The Corpse with the Platinum Hair; Blood Will Out by Jill Downie; None So Blind by Barbara Fradkin; Put on the Armour of Light by Catherine MacDonald; Roses for a Diva by Rick Blechta; and, Thin Ice by Nick Wilkshire.

There is no editorial commentary tied to their order of appearance in this blog. I've listed authors and title by their publication dates.

For a more complete listing, check out the Crime Writers of Canada website at

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