Here's to a Happy New Year!
I usually don't make New Year's resolutions mainly because I never keep them. However, I'm going to take the plunge this year. I resolve to work harder at writing and playing. How's that!
As I've taken on more tasks in my life, I'll have to be better organized and totally commited to a specific writing time each day. So, if you phone and I don't answer, I may be there but writing. So, please leave a message.
On the playing side, I resolve to never turn down an invitation from friends to socialize, unless it truly can't be helped. Part of the working harder has to be playing harder in order to keep the balance. And who wants a friend who keeps turning down invitations anyway?
So bring on the New horoscope says it's going to be a really good one. (And the National Post never lies!)
I've also decided on some changes to Mystery Maven Canada. When I started the blog a few years ago, I hoped it would offer information on the ever-changing publishing scene along with news about Canadian mystery authors, to my former customers and to authors alike. And, although there are always changes taking place in publishing, many of the debates are the old ones with very little new (except a ginormous merger or two)to add. Authors are busy being authors. Readers are keeping those authors busy by devouring their books and demanding new ones. I think it's time to revise what's happening on this blogspot.
So, starting in January, I will be posting once a week, on Fridays. It will most likely be me continuing as I've done all this time, or I may post a book review, or it may be a guest blogger. You won't know until you've clicked on the blogsite (okay, you'll know if you check my Facebook page). If you're a Canadian mystery author anywhere in this country and you have an event coming up, I'd be happy to post it on the events section. If you're coming to Ottawa, please let me know.
I hope this new format won't mean that MMC gets forgotten. I also hope it means one fewer thing on that To Do list...for everyone.
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year with lots of mysteries to read!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
by Jill Downie
Dundurn Press
Detective Inspector Ed Moretti and Detective Sergeant Liz Falla have returned. This Guernsey Island pair of police officers was first encountered in Jill Downie's Daggers and Men's Smiles last year. And this time around, they're trying to figure out why financial advisor Bernard Masterson, also suspected arms dealer, came to visit the Channel Island, and more importantly, why he was murdered.
His body is found by the cook aboard his palatial yacht, Just Desserts, the morning after he'd given his entire crew the night off. Video footage shows Lady Coralie Fellowes, now a local but once a star of the Folies Bergere as the only visitor to the boat. Even more incriminating is the fact she disposed of a gun into the water beside the dock. When it's revealed her deceased husband had been duped by Masterson, she shoots to the head of the suspect list.
However, Fellowes is not the sole name on that list which includes Masterson's housekeeper, two Germans who are recent additions to the crew, a local doctor, and even a member of Moretti's jazz band. Add to the mix a retired, reclusive spy and some colourful locals, and the detectives have their hands full chasing leads but still coming up empty on why Masterson was there in the first place.
The island of Guensey is the main attraction of this series, so wonderfully depicted as the mystery unfolds. Detective Sergeant Liz Falla also stands out as a very real character, alert and savvy. Moretti's personal life entwines with the plot as we see him in the evenings with his main passion, playing jazz piano, and as his love life gets a new spark with the addition of a mysterious trio on the island.
Jill Downie has written a complex mystery that draws the reader in and, with increasing fervor, to the unearthing of a plot with international intrigue, and the more basic motives of love and revenge.
by Jill Downie
Dundurn Press
Detective Inspector Ed Moretti and Detective Sergeant Liz Falla have returned. This Guernsey Island pair of police officers was first encountered in Jill Downie's Daggers and Men's Smiles last year. And this time around, they're trying to figure out why financial advisor Bernard Masterson, also suspected arms dealer, came to visit the Channel Island, and more importantly, why he was murdered.
His body is found by the cook aboard his palatial yacht, Just Desserts, the morning after he'd given his entire crew the night off. Video footage shows Lady Coralie Fellowes, now a local but once a star of the Folies Bergere as the only visitor to the boat. Even more incriminating is the fact she disposed of a gun into the water beside the dock. When it's revealed her deceased husband had been duped by Masterson, she shoots to the head of the suspect list.
However, Fellowes is not the sole name on that list which includes Masterson's housekeeper, two Germans who are recent additions to the crew, a local doctor, and even a member of Moretti's jazz band. Add to the mix a retired, reclusive spy and some colourful locals, and the detectives have their hands full chasing leads but still coming up empty on why Masterson was there in the first place.
The island of Guensey is the main attraction of this series, so wonderfully depicted as the mystery unfolds. Detective Sergeant Liz Falla also stands out as a very real character, alert and savvy. Moretti's personal life entwines with the plot as we see him in the evenings with his main passion, playing jazz piano, and as his love life gets a new spark with the addition of a mysterious trio on the island.
Jill Downie has written a complex mystery that draws the reader in and, with increasing fervor, to the unearthing of a plot with international intrigue, and the more basic motives of love and revenge.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Getting ready to say goodbye to 2012!
I know, it's not New Year's Eve yet. But we're getting very close so I thought it would be fitting to look back on the year that's been turbulent in the publishing industry, what with more publishers, distributors, and bookstores closing...but has seen many positives on the output side.
Many Canadian mystery authors have had either another books in a series or a first novel published this year! And from all accounts, the sales are going strong. I won't even begin to mention names as I'd surely leave someone out. But you know who you are...and you, as a reader, know if your favourite author has hit the shelves this year.
So, in a world where changes are keeping folks on their toes, there is the stability of good books to read. And guess what, the coming year looks equally promising! I've seen some catalogues, talked to some authors, and I guarantee that readers will be thrilled with the new mystery lists this coming year.
Also a promising note, the fact that Ottawa's Books on Beechwood was sold and saved from the announced closure in 2013. That's fabulous news for readers and writers alike.
Now, your mission, and I hope you'll agree to it, is to get out there and support stores like Books on Beechwood, the independents that are fewer but stronger and determined to stay alive; support the Canadian mystery authors by buying their books and spreading the word to new readers; and, joining in the dialogue at blogsites like this one, at book events such as readings and signings, and by contacting authors to let them know if you think they've done it right.
We're all in this let's look forward to a New Year that's filled with the promise of marvelous mysteries!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
I know, it's not New Year's Eve yet. But we're getting very close so I thought it would be fitting to look back on the year that's been turbulent in the publishing industry, what with more publishers, distributors, and bookstores closing...but has seen many positives on the output side.
Many Canadian mystery authors have had either another books in a series or a first novel published this year! And from all accounts, the sales are going strong. I won't even begin to mention names as I'd surely leave someone out. But you know who you are...and you, as a reader, know if your favourite author has hit the shelves this year.
So, in a world where changes are keeping folks on their toes, there is the stability of good books to read. And guess what, the coming year looks equally promising! I've seen some catalogues, talked to some authors, and I guarantee that readers will be thrilled with the new mystery lists this coming year.
Also a promising note, the fact that Ottawa's Books on Beechwood was sold and saved from the announced closure in 2013. That's fabulous news for readers and writers alike.
Now, your mission, and I hope you'll agree to it, is to get out there and support stores like Books on Beechwood, the independents that are fewer but stronger and determined to stay alive; support the Canadian mystery authors by buying their books and spreading the word to new readers; and, joining in the dialogue at blogsites like this one, at book events such as readings and signings, and by contacting authors to let them know if you think they've done it right.
We're all in this let's look forward to a New Year that's filled with the promise of marvelous mysteries!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Holiday reading!
Just in case your holiday reading includes this blog, I'd like you to take a couple of minutes to tell us about your favourite Christmas read. It doesn't have to be a mystery but of course, merry murders abound on the bookstore shelves this time of year.
My favourite, and it's one I re-read each year, is The Joyous Season by Patrick Dennis. Do you remember him? He wrote Auntie Mame, one of my all-time favourite romps. Well we don't have the return of Mame of anything like it, but it is another fun and irreverant story (even though it deals with a family break-up at Christmas)taking place in the 1950's in the oh-so-wealthiness of New York. I guarantee it'll draw a smile from you, perhaps even several chuckles and of course, it's Patrick Dennis so the ending has to be a happy one.
Even though it's been in print for a few decades, it can still be found on-line.
A Joyous Season is my wish to you -- both for a warm and fuzzy reading experience and a happy holiday time of year.
Now, what's your choice?
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Just in case your holiday reading includes this blog, I'd like you to take a couple of minutes to tell us about your favourite Christmas read. It doesn't have to be a mystery but of course, merry murders abound on the bookstore shelves this time of year.
My favourite, and it's one I re-read each year, is The Joyous Season by Patrick Dennis. Do you remember him? He wrote Auntie Mame, one of my all-time favourite romps. Well we don't have the return of Mame of anything like it, but it is another fun and irreverant story (even though it deals with a family break-up at Christmas)taking place in the 1950's in the oh-so-wealthiness of New York. I guarantee it'll draw a smile from you, perhaps even several chuckles and of course, it's Patrick Dennis so the ending has to be a happy one.
Even though it's been in print for a few decades, it can still be found on-line.
A Joyous Season is my wish to you -- both for a warm and fuzzy reading experience and a happy holiday time of year.
Now, what's your choice?
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Friday, December 21, 2012
I was right!
Forgive me while I gloat. But, I was right in my Monday blog when I said bookstores would survive. How did I know? (a question asked on Facebook) Mostly because I have faith in the power of the book and those who are dedicated to placing them in the hands of readers.
But also, partly because while I was in Victoria, B.C. a couple of weeks ago, I stopped by two large independents in the area to sign books -- Munro's and Bolin's. Both are thriving! They're large, filled with books, and in the case of Bolin's, a wide variety of complimentary items -- and best of all, filled with shoppers. I was told last night that sales figures for the area are among the highest in the country.
What makes it work there? I don't have an answer except, I'm sure it's a combination of those ingredients I mentioned. Along with readers who want traditional books.
The good news closer to home is the last minute reprieve for Books on Beechwood in Ottawa's New Edinburgh community. It was announced this week that someone (some three actually) have purchased the store and it will not be closing, as planned, in January. Yay!!! What great news for the readers and writers in Ottawa.
The next announcement was that After Stonewall, the gay and lesbian bookstore in Ottawa, also scheduled to close, has also been bought and will re-open in the new year with a new vision, which will include an art gallery.
This is a wonderful high to start the holiday season with and it re-inforces my belief that paper books are here to stay! Let's all do what we can to support them and make it a truly wonderful and positive year of the book!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Forgive me while I gloat. But, I was right in my Monday blog when I said bookstores would survive. How did I know? (a question asked on Facebook) Mostly because I have faith in the power of the book and those who are dedicated to placing them in the hands of readers.
But also, partly because while I was in Victoria, B.C. a couple of weeks ago, I stopped by two large independents in the area to sign books -- Munro's and Bolin's. Both are thriving! They're large, filled with books, and in the case of Bolin's, a wide variety of complimentary items -- and best of all, filled with shoppers. I was told last night that sales figures for the area are among the highest in the country.
What makes it work there? I don't have an answer except, I'm sure it's a combination of those ingredients I mentioned. Along with readers who want traditional books.
The good news closer to home is the last minute reprieve for Books on Beechwood in Ottawa's New Edinburgh community. It was announced this week that someone (some three actually) have purchased the store and it will not be closing, as planned, in January. Yay!!! What great news for the readers and writers in Ottawa.
The next announcement was that After Stonewall, the gay and lesbian bookstore in Ottawa, also scheduled to close, has also been bought and will re-open in the new year with a new vision, which will include an art gallery.
This is a wonderful high to start the holiday season with and it re-inforces my belief that paper books are here to stay! Let's all do what we can to support them and make it a truly wonderful and positive year of the book!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A special thanks to readers!
Writing is a partnership between writer and reader. Each brings their past along for the ride. I had a touching experience this weekend that reminded me once again that good things happen when we pay due respect and attention to each other.
I received an email from a reader who is a lover of mysteries and had been enjoying one of my books until he reached a graphic, heart-wrenching murder scene involving children. At this point he threw the book in the garbage and in the email chastised me for the gratuitous, sensationalist, and largely irrelevant scene.
Writers love to receive emails from readers, and although most of them are laudatory, even the critical ones can be very helpful in honing our craft. When we write, we know what we are intending to say, but it is readers who tell us what we actually said. When I receive a critical email I generally thank the reader for their observation but don’t attempt to explain “but what I really meant was…” Words have to stand on their own, and if a reader misses the author’s intent, it is the author’s fault for not communicating it effectively. This is a difficult and humbling but crucial lesson for authors to learn.
In this case, however, I decided to try to explain. Perhaps it was the image of that particular book in the garbage, perhaps it was the obvious distress of the reader. Perhaps it was the fact that 20 children had just been massacred two days before. Or perhaps it was that the reader’s accusation cut too close to the bone for me as a child psychologist.
So I wrote back about the difficulty I had in writing the scene, which was actually based on true events that had haunted me as a psychologist for years. I wrote about its purpose in explaining my detective’s character and his relationship to another major character and also its connection to the overall theme of PTSD in the book.
This prompted him to write about his own experiences and to examine why he had reacted as he did to the scene. I do think it was the worst possible weekend to read that scene, but that too is context that an author can’t control. After an exchange of emails, he took the book out of the garbage and plans to finish it. I don’t know whether he will enjoy it (if enjoy is the right word for a gritty, gut-wrenching book) but I felt much better. The gap between our perceptions had been bridged, we both understood a little better what we had both brought to that scene and how it influenced its meaning for us.
Writing mysteries has its risks. We write about strong emotions and events – rage, terror, despair, human brutality – which can touch readers in powerful, unexpected ways as they relate it to their own experience. I don’t want to shy away from this, because it is why I write. Not simply to entertain but to share an emotional journey. But it’s humbling to be reminded that once my words are out there, the journey the reader takes with them is his alone.
Most of the time, we never know how our words are taken. For this opportunity, and for his willingness to share, I would like to thank this reader, and all the readers who take the time to write us authors with their thoughts. You are our mirrors, you tell us what we have said, and without you we are just tossing meaningless words into the wind.
Merry Christmas, Happy Whatever, and may the new year bring peace, joy and all good things.
Barbara Fradkin is a child psychologist with a fascination for how we turn bad. In addition to her darkly haunting short stories in the Ladies Killing Circle anthologies, she writes the gritty, Ottawa-based Inspector Green novels which have won back to back Arthur Ellis Awards for Best Novel from Crime Writers of Canada. The eighth in the series, Beautiful Lie the Dead, explores love in all its complications. The ninth, The Whisper of Legends is due in April. And, her Rapid Read from Orca, The Fall Guy, was launched last year.
Writing is a partnership between writer and reader. Each brings their past along for the ride. I had a touching experience this weekend that reminded me once again that good things happen when we pay due respect and attention to each other.
I received an email from a reader who is a lover of mysteries and had been enjoying one of my books until he reached a graphic, heart-wrenching murder scene involving children. At this point he threw the book in the garbage and in the email chastised me for the gratuitous, sensationalist, and largely irrelevant scene.
Writers love to receive emails from readers, and although most of them are laudatory, even the critical ones can be very helpful in honing our craft. When we write, we know what we are intending to say, but it is readers who tell us what we actually said. When I receive a critical email I generally thank the reader for their observation but don’t attempt to explain “but what I really meant was…” Words have to stand on their own, and if a reader misses the author’s intent, it is the author’s fault for not communicating it effectively. This is a difficult and humbling but crucial lesson for authors to learn.
In this case, however, I decided to try to explain. Perhaps it was the image of that particular book in the garbage, perhaps it was the obvious distress of the reader. Perhaps it was the fact that 20 children had just been massacred two days before. Or perhaps it was that the reader’s accusation cut too close to the bone for me as a child psychologist.
So I wrote back about the difficulty I had in writing the scene, which was actually based on true events that had haunted me as a psychologist for years. I wrote about its purpose in explaining my detective’s character and his relationship to another major character and also its connection to the overall theme of PTSD in the book.
This prompted him to write about his own experiences and to examine why he had reacted as he did to the scene. I do think it was the worst possible weekend to read that scene, but that too is context that an author can’t control. After an exchange of emails, he took the book out of the garbage and plans to finish it. I don’t know whether he will enjoy it (if enjoy is the right word for a gritty, gut-wrenching book) but I felt much better. The gap between our perceptions had been bridged, we both understood a little better what we had both brought to that scene and how it influenced its meaning for us.
Writing mysteries has its risks. We write about strong emotions and events – rage, terror, despair, human brutality – which can touch readers in powerful, unexpected ways as they relate it to their own experience. I don’t want to shy away from this, because it is why I write. Not simply to entertain but to share an emotional journey. But it’s humbling to be reminded that once my words are out there, the journey the reader takes with them is his alone.
Most of the time, we never know how our words are taken. For this opportunity, and for his willingness to share, I would like to thank this reader, and all the readers who take the time to write us authors with their thoughts. You are our mirrors, you tell us what we have said, and without you we are just tossing meaningless words into the wind.
Merry Christmas, Happy Whatever, and may the new year bring peace, joy and all good things.
Barbara Fradkin is a child psychologist with a fascination for how we turn bad. In addition to her darkly haunting short stories in the Ladies Killing Circle anthologies, she writes the gritty, Ottawa-based Inspector Green novels which have won back to back Arthur Ellis Awards for Best Novel from Crime Writers of Canada. The eighth in the series, Beautiful Lie the Dead, explores love in all its complications. The ninth, The Whisper of Legends is due in April. And, her Rapid Read from Orca, The Fall Guy, was launched last year.

Armchair Traveller
Is there anything more spectacular than the Nahanni River in Canada’s Northwest Territories? A world Heritage site and a National Park Reserve, it has some of the most incredible natural diversity and scenery in the entire world. Miles and miles of wilderness with canyons, whitewater, waterfalls, hot springs, lazy, meandering flat water, and ragged glacial mountains. It is home to caribou, grizzlies, swans, eagles, mountain goats and sheep. Brilliant pink wild flowers cling to its gravel shores, while alpine meadows and jagged spruce forests rise up the slopes around it.
Why am I going on like this? Because this is the setting for my next Inspector Green novel. Yes, that’s Ottawa Police Inspector Michael Green, the inner city boy who loves crumbling asphalt and diesel fumes, and who struggles to learn the suburban “dad” skills of mowing the lawn and firing up the barbeque. Inspector Green is going on the Nahanni.
Canoeing the Nahanni has always been a dream of mine, but with the tight timeline of this book and with this summer (not to mention this year’s budget) already spoken for, I will have to content myself with researching from afar. Luckily I have been on a wilderness rafting trip in the Yukon, a very different river and a raft instead
Does it work? We'll all find out when the new Inspector Green novel, The Whisper of Legends, is released in April, 2013.
Barbara Fradkin is a child psychologist with a fascination for how we turn bad. In addition to her darkly haunting short stories in the Ladies Killing Circle anthologies, she writes the gritty, Ottawa-based Inspector Green novels which have won back to back Arthur Ellis Awards for Best Novel from Crime Writers of Canada. The eighth in the series, Beautiful Lie the Dead, explores love in all its complications. The ninth, The Whisper of Legends is due in April. And, her Rapid Read from Orca, The Fall Guy, was launched last year.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Don't give up on bookstores!
The sad news in Ottawa last week was the impending demise of yet another independent bookstore, Collected Works. The store is up for sale at $1 and if no buyer, or infusion of cash, presents itself before Christmas Eve, the store will close. That’s the third one for this city, this year. Nicholas Hoare closed earlier in the year and our other wonderful indie, Books on Beechwood, will follow suit in January.
A columnist in the morning newspaper seemed to think this was inevitable, what with the electronic world taking over our lives. But, you know what? I don’t agree. I truly believe there will always be a place for bookstores and although the numbers will not be great, those that remain will be serving a faithful clientele, one that could even see growth as this fascination with all things electronic whittles away to the norm and readers look back to the ‘good old days’. Even vinyl LP’s are making a comeback!
Did you turn on your radio this morning? Remember when that new gadget, the television was supposed to obliterate radio? Television was also seen to be the undoing of newspapers, too although they’re still around. I know, many are hurting, some have closed and others are cutting back…sounds like a pattern, doesn’t it? But will they totally disappear? I doubt it. Community newspapers, at the very least, will survive. And I that radio will always be with us. As will bookstores.
Flying home from Victoria the other night, I noticed several passengers continue reading their paper books while others of us had to shut down their e-readers, iPads and smart phones in preparation for landing. It’s those unforeseen advantages that are out there and will aid in the future of books.
I subscribe to the newspapers, have my radio on for much of the day, watch some television at night, read a book on my iPad when traveling, and have stacks of books throughout the house…many of them with bookmarks part way through them. These can co-exist!
So far this morning I have read the newspaper and read a few chapters of a paper book while enjoying my second espresso, before starting to work. And, this past weekend, I bought a book, a manual on how to use my iPad!
Long live the book!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
The sad news in Ottawa last week was the impending demise of yet another independent bookstore, Collected Works. The store is up for sale at $1 and if no buyer, or infusion of cash, presents itself before Christmas Eve, the store will close. That’s the third one for this city, this year. Nicholas Hoare closed earlier in the year and our other wonderful indie, Books on Beechwood, will follow suit in January.
A columnist in the morning newspaper seemed to think this was inevitable, what with the electronic world taking over our lives. But, you know what? I don’t agree. I truly believe there will always be a place for bookstores and although the numbers will not be great, those that remain will be serving a faithful clientele, one that could even see growth as this fascination with all things electronic whittles away to the norm and readers look back to the ‘good old days’. Even vinyl LP’s are making a comeback!
Did you turn on your radio this morning? Remember when that new gadget, the television was supposed to obliterate radio? Television was also seen to be the undoing of newspapers, too although they’re still around. I know, many are hurting, some have closed and others are cutting back…sounds like a pattern, doesn’t it? But will they totally disappear? I doubt it. Community newspapers, at the very least, will survive. And I that radio will always be with us. As will bookstores.
Flying home from Victoria the other night, I noticed several passengers continue reading their paper books while others of us had to shut down their e-readers, iPads and smart phones in preparation for landing. It’s those unforeseen advantages that are out there and will aid in the future of books.
I subscribe to the newspapers, have my radio on for much of the day, watch some television at night, read a book on my iPad when traveling, and have stacks of books throughout the house…many of them with bookmarks part way through them. These can co-exist!
So far this morning I have read the newspaper and read a few chapters of a paper book while enjoying my second espresso, before starting to work. And, this past weekend, I bought a book, a manual on how to use my iPad!
Long live the book!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Writing at Christmas.
Although my new book, Read and Buried, takes place at Christmas, there's another type of Christmas writing that's on my mind this morning. That's the annual ritual known as the Christmas letter.
I'm not an email greeting type of person. I love sending and receiving cards by old-fashioned snail mail. That goes for any occasion (and as my son will attest, I send cards for every possible event), but especially now as Christmas approaches. Since childhood, I've looked forward to the mail in anticipation of cards each day. I was indulged by my parents who allowed me to open anything that looked like a card and I guess that fueled the obsession.
These days, I rush to check the mail as soon as I hear the noisy closing of the mailbox lid. Every evening, I take a few minutes to look through the accummulated cards. And, I spend a long time reading and re-reading the annual Christmas letters that come from afar. What better way to stay in touch with family and friends, even though it is the Reader's Digest version of life.
I want to know what has happened during the year, what joys and sorrows have touched their lives, what matters enough for them to share it with me. I don't mind a form fact, that's what I send these days, although I do personalize each with specific questions and replies. I'm hoping those on my Christmas list also enjoy the annual 'catch up' letter. And, since I haven't heard otherwise, I'll continue writing them.
This year I'm down to the wire. My week's time-out in Victoria has pushed everything back by a week. I loved having an early Christmas out there, and although letter writing was on my list of things to do, there was never the opportunity. So, it's now or never.
Fiction writer turns to non-fiction. That's this morning's task. But it's more a pleasure because to me, a letter written on paper that arrives in the mail means so much more.
Call me old-fashioned. But send me that letter, please!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Although my new book, Read and Buried, takes place at Christmas, there's another type of Christmas writing that's on my mind this morning. That's the annual ritual known as the Christmas letter.
I'm not an email greeting type of person. I love sending and receiving cards by old-fashioned snail mail. That goes for any occasion (and as my son will attest, I send cards for every possible event), but especially now as Christmas approaches. Since childhood, I've looked forward to the mail in anticipation of cards each day. I was indulged by my parents who allowed me to open anything that looked like a card and I guess that fueled the obsession.
These days, I rush to check the mail as soon as I hear the noisy closing of the mailbox lid. Every evening, I take a few minutes to look through the accummulated cards. And, I spend a long time reading and re-reading the annual Christmas letters that come from afar. What better way to stay in touch with family and friends, even though it is the Reader's Digest version of life.
I want to know what has happened during the year, what joys and sorrows have touched their lives, what matters enough for them to share it with me. I don't mind a form fact, that's what I send these days, although I do personalize each with specific questions and replies. I'm hoping those on my Christmas list also enjoy the annual 'catch up' letter. And, since I haven't heard otherwise, I'll continue writing them.
This year I'm down to the wire. My week's time-out in Victoria has pushed everything back by a week. I loved having an early Christmas out there, and although letter writing was on my list of things to do, there was never the opportunity. So, it's now or never.
Fiction writer turns to non-fiction. That's this morning's task. But it's more a pleasure because to me, a letter written on paper that arrives in the mail means so much more.
Call me old-fashioned. But send me that letter, please!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Editing 101 Continued
In a blog not too long ago, Linda talked about her editing process which included retyping the manuscript. My fingers grew tired even thinking about such a challenge and I knew
I’d never do that. But I realize why I must edit at least four times before I even send the words off to the ever patient and always helpful members of my writing group.
For my first book, Cut Off His Tale, I had an outline. I knew who the killer was and what rationale he use to justify the murder.
Then, because some of my critiquing group, notably Barbara Fradkin, claimed it was more fun for the writer and later for the reader if you winged it, I tried that method. For a type A Virgo it was a challenge because it forced me to wait until the synopses clicked in my brain and inspiration arrived. This frustrated me but I did find that I liked the unexpected twists and turns that happened.
At times I worried that it wouldn’t work out, that I couldn’t knit the strands together. It did eventually coalesce into finished form. Once I had that I read through to see if it hung together. It more or less did but ghosts of ideas partially explored or incorporated and then erased lingered. Because it took almost a year to write the ending turned out to be much stronger than the beginning when I’d been feeling my way and I had to go back and beef up the beginning.
Once I reached that stage I worked through unifying the text, checking time sequences, names, ages, all the things that need to be attended to if I was to persuade a reader to suspend belief.
Then I began honing the manuscript, eliminating cliches, passive voice, redundancy. For guidance when doing this I rely on Theodore Cheney’s, Getting the Words Right: How to Rewrite, Edit and Revise. In the last part of his book he deals with figurative writing and while I understand simile, metaphor, analogy and personification I have never quite understood metonymy but probably use it along with hyperbole and allusion without realizing that I am.
Three times through but it wasn’t ready for inspection. At that point I checked the beginning and ending of chapters, questioned the pace, the tension and asked whether or not I’d resolved all the issues without rushing to a conclusion. When those questions were answered to my satisfaction it went out to my critics. When it returned there was more work to do and then, finally, the manuscript was ready to go to the publisher.
Is there any easier way or is this the way all writers prepare for the end?
A member of the Ladies Killing Circle, Joan Boswell co-edited four of their short story anthologies: Fit to Die, Bone Dance, Boomers Go Bad and Going Out With a Bang. Her three mysteries, Cut Off His Tale, Cut to the Quick and, Cut and Run were published in 2005, 2007 and 2007. The latest in the series, Cut to the Bone, was published this month by Dundurn Press. In 2000 she won the $10,000 Toronto Star’s short story contest. Joan lives in Toronto and Ottawa with two flat-coated retrievers.
In a blog not too long ago, Linda talked about her editing process which included retyping the manuscript. My fingers grew tired even thinking about such a challenge and I knew

For my first book, Cut Off His Tale, I had an outline. I knew who the killer was and what rationale he use to justify the murder.
Then, because some of my critiquing group, notably Barbara Fradkin, claimed it was more fun for the writer and later for the reader if you winged it, I tried that method. For a type A Virgo it was a challenge because it forced me to wait until the synopses clicked in my brain and inspiration arrived. This frustrated me but I did find that I liked the unexpected twists and turns that happened.
At times I worried that it wouldn’t work out, that I couldn’t knit the strands together. It did eventually coalesce into finished form. Once I had that I read through to see if it hung together. It more or less did but ghosts of ideas partially explored or incorporated and then erased lingered. Because it took almost a year to write the ending turned out to be much stronger than the beginning when I’d been feeling my way and I had to go back and beef up the beginning.
Once I reached that stage I worked through unifying the text, checking time sequences, names, ages, all the things that need to be attended to if I was to persuade a reader to suspend belief.
Then I began honing the manuscript, eliminating cliches, passive voice, redundancy. For guidance when doing this I rely on Theodore Cheney’s, Getting the Words Right: How to Rewrite, Edit and Revise. In the last part of his book he deals with figurative writing and while I understand simile, metaphor, analogy and personification I have never quite understood metonymy but probably use it along with hyperbole and allusion without realizing that I am.
Three times through but it wasn’t ready for inspection. At that point I checked the beginning and ending of chapters, questioned the pace, the tension and asked whether or not I’d resolved all the issues without rushing to a conclusion. When those questions were answered to my satisfaction it went out to my critics. When it returned there was more work to do and then, finally, the manuscript was ready to go to the publisher.
Is there any easier way or is this the way all writers prepare for the end?
A member of the Ladies Killing Circle, Joan Boswell co-edited four of their short story anthologies: Fit to Die, Bone Dance, Boomers Go Bad and Going Out With a Bang. Her three mysteries, Cut Off His Tale, Cut to the Quick and, Cut and Run were published in 2005, 2007 and 2007. The latest in the series, Cut to the Bone, was published this month by Dundurn Press. In 2000 she won the $10,000 Toronto Star’s short story contest. Joan lives in Toronto and Ottawa with two flat-coated retrievers.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Bloody Victoria: The Woman Who Did
On the Queen’s birthday celebration in May 1896, an overloaded trolley car collapsed a bridge, killing over fifty people in British Columbia’s capital. Victoria has a rich history beginning with the HBC, the Royal Navy, and a few gold rushes. Hundreds of heritage buildings have been preserved in this Inner Harbour mecca. At midnight, standing on a wood-bricked street under a glowing lamp post, you can travel back in time or even begin a historical mystery.
Maps are step one. Many streets have changed. In 1896 Victoria was razing its old “Birdcages” and building the storybook Parliament that awes tourists today. The iconic Empress Hotel locale was James Bay, a polluted wen with soap-factory effluvium rainbowing the water. Across the harbour was the Songhees Reserve, not million-dollar condos. Sealing ships still plied their shrinking trade. The Navy Pacific Fleet was making the transition from sail as the bluejackets came to town to raise hell.
Horse-drawn traffic kept to the left. Gaslight had arrived, but electricity was new. Retrofitted plumbing went boxed up the outside of older houses. There were callboxes for the police and a few hundred wealthier families on the switchboard. Fancy-lady parlours thrived, but poor girls still delivered ten-penny knee tremblers in the alleys.
The police department had moved to the renovated City Hall, but a new prison stood out on Tolmie. As for money, there were common fifty-cent pieces as well as twenty-five-cent shinplaster bills and a few American silver Morgan dollars or gold eagles. I got Tess of the D’Urbervilles right, but missed the fact that the Hound of the Baskervilles had not yet arrived in print. Cocktails included the Blue Blazer and soda fountains sold Tin Roof sundaes but not David Harums (post-1900). The Woman Who Did title came from Kingston’s Grant Allen’s bestseller of 1895. Just what she “did” might surprise you.
A reprint of an 1897 Sears catalogue served for clothes, medicine, furniture, timepieces, spectacles, and canned goods. St. Ann’s Academy had the nuns I needed but not the lovely grounds today nor the additions. The dingy, filthy morgue, tucked into a market downtown and deplored by the coroners, has been gone for a century. The Daily Colonist, formerly the British Colonist and today’s Times Colonist was on line. I read about the accident and its aftermath, the corpses laid like cordwood on Captain Grant’s lawn and the inquest that night as the jury traipsed from the morgue to an overcrowded funeral parlour. At the page bottom was a tiny ad for repairing watches soaked in sea water.
I consulted old phonebooks for businesses in Chinatown. Coloured firemaps recorded even opium factories, legal at the time. I can still walk Fan Tan Alley. But not at night.
Fig newtons had arrived, a great snack “When Strolling Through the Park One Day.” Motion pictures in NYC were in the conversation as were the first autos. Sobranie cigarettes and Burberry overcoats? And the Queen’s daughter, Empress of Germany, was called Vicky. The telegraph hummed, and steamers were passing sailing ships, but how much did it cost to go to Seattle? Bicycles aka “wheels” had just arrived, carrying postmen delivering mail. Slang was a puzzling mixture of British, Canadian, and American words. New York novellas by Stephen Crane and a period detective story in the Daily Colonist led me to “out of sight.” People were “chewing the fat,” “going steady,” putting on “glad rags,” and talking about “plutes” and “rats.” Crawling babies were “ankle biters.”
Writing the first book in a historical series is like giving birth to an elephant. Everything’s easy and familiar once Jumbo has arrived. Can’t wait to start the next one!
Lou Allin's latest book is Contingency Plan from Orca, a Rapid Reads novella. Coming in April is the third entry from Dundurn in her Canada's Caribbean series, Twilight is not Good for Maidens, featuring RCMP Corporal Holly Martin. A serial rapist stalks the beach parks of southern Vancouver Island.
Visit Lou at her blog at
or website at
She welcomes mail at
Saturday, December 8, 2012
By Hilary MacLeod
Acorn Press
Hy McAlister and the eccentric villagers at The Shores are back again in a quirky tale, this one set at Christmas. If you’ve read the first in the series, Revenge of the Lobster Lover, you’ll already be familiar with the colourful characters that inhabit this forgotten part of the Eastern coast.
This time, the legacy of a local abandoned house, Wild Rose Cottage brings into play a tale of mystery, tragedy and eventual release. A family traveling from Dawson Creek, B.C. makes the cross-country journey to claim the family home of Rose, wife of Fitz, and mother of Jamie. Their tale is one of abuse and sorrow but eventually encompasses the inhabitants of this outport.
There’s another newcomer to The Shores and her story is also one of quilt and secrecy. She’s Const. Jane Jamieson of the RCMP, unhappy at her new posting, but eventually her reserve is whittled away by the sad tale of Rose’s family.
And then there’s Hy, comfortably ensconced in the community, directing the Christmas pageant and just as unsettled about her relationship with local Ian Simmons; her friend Lili and husband Nathan; the elderly Gus; and, the interfering Moira…all return in this tale of greed and guilt. With a healthy dose of gusto.
Hilary MacLeod splits her time between Ontario and PEI. She manages to skillfully blend the dark side with the light, threading humour in characters and dialogue through the serious tale of human foibles and tragedy. This is the third book in The Shores series and an offbeat story for the Christmas holidays.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Let's hear it for inventive booksellers!
On Sunday as I waited for my train from Toronto to Ottawa, after a successful book signing event at Sleuth of Baker Street with five mysterious and murderous colleagues – Rick Blechta, Joan Boswell, Melodie Campbell, Vicki Delany, and Barbara Fradkin …and then a double book launch with Joan Boswell the next day – a hectic but fun weekend – where was I? Oh, yes, I read in the paper about a book store that dispensed books from a machine for $2 each.
It seems (I’ve forgotten where it was) this store owner enlisted a friend to devise such a machine. He’d attempted several different creative methods for selling them, one of which was out on the sidewalk, all in the cause of encouraging people to buy books and more importantly, read.
These were not the latest Peter Robinson hardcover, of course. These were older titles that sometimes accumulate in the back room of a store and eventually demand something be done with them or they will overtake the already crowded space. His idea became such a popular stop, especially after devising the book dispenser, that he has ended up supplementing the earlier selection of forgotten books with new titles he buys specifically for this bargain corner.
Clever fellow, and dedicated to the world of books, too. Maybe it will take off in corner stores around the country just as the, ‘leave a used book on a park bench’ idea has.
Who says there’s not a market for paper books anymore!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
On Sunday as I waited for my train from Toronto to Ottawa, after a successful book signing event at Sleuth of Baker Street with five mysterious and murderous colleagues – Rick Blechta, Joan Boswell, Melodie Campbell, Vicki Delany, and Barbara Fradkin …and then a double book launch with Joan Boswell the next day – a hectic but fun weekend – where was I? Oh, yes, I read in the paper about a book store that dispensed books from a machine for $2 each.
It seems (I’ve forgotten where it was) this store owner enlisted a friend to devise such a machine. He’d attempted several different creative methods for selling them, one of which was out on the sidewalk, all in the cause of encouraging people to buy books and more importantly, read.
These were not the latest Peter Robinson hardcover, of course. These were older titles that sometimes accumulate in the back room of a store and eventually demand something be done with them or they will overtake the already crowded space. His idea became such a popular stop, especially after devising the book dispenser, that he has ended up supplementing the earlier selection of forgotten books with new titles he buys specifically for this bargain corner.
Clever fellow, and dedicated to the world of books, too. Maybe it will take off in corner stores around the country just as the, ‘leave a used book on a park bench’ idea has.
Who says there’s not a market for paper books anymore!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
A KILLER READ, also available at your favourite bookstores and online.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
I love my book club. And I expect if you're like most of the women I know, you love your book club too.
What's not to love? Here we have a group of women who enjoy reading, researching and discussing books. All kinds of books. One year my club read only Orange Prize winners. Another year we concentrated on mystery and spy novels. Still another we read exclusively from the European renaissance period.
I first met the women in my book club fifteen years ago when I was invited to speak about Canadian crime novels at one of their meetings. When, at the end of the
We've been through a lot together, my book club and I. We've lost members to cancer and heart disease and supported one another through family tragedies. These women turned up in force for my launch of Locked Up, and they bought dozens of books to give away as gifts.
One curious thing about book clubs is that they're almost always the domain of women. I wonder why more retired men don't join or form book clubs. Maybe they do, only they call them something else. My husband has a group of friends who meet for lunch once a month and call themselves The Gentlemen's Lunch. When I ask what they talk about, he says, "Oh, books mainly." But when I suggest it might be a book club, he looks horrified. Book clubs apparently, are only for women.
Sue Pike has

Monday, December 3, 2012
What Makes a Good Mystery?
Since I am a much better reader of mysteries than a writer I feel somewhat qualified to throw my oars into the water in giving my opinion about the qualities of a good mystery. We may all have our particular settings or styles or the love of blood or lack thereof in our mysteries I think we can all unite on one thing. A good mystery requires a good story.
Maybe that is the basic element of any book in any genre, even in non-fiction. The story has to get our attention and make us want to read more. For mystery books there has to be some element of the unknown that we are promised will be revealed if only we hang around long enough. Or even if we know 'who dun it' how the perpetrators are brought to justice or not may be enough to hold us fast to our seats and keep us turning the pages.
But how the story is told and the definition of the main characters are close behind in terms of factors that make up a good mystery. Style, pace and plot development are keys to ensuring that the reader is not just entertained, but engaged along the way. The sub-genres of mystery start diverging here, particularly around style which tends to involve detailed and sometimes flowery descriptions in cozies or technically detailed forensic talk in police procedurals. But they all come back together when it comes to the flow of the story. Good mysteries in all forms have a rhythm that somehow just seems right. Great mystery writers have the 'Goldilocks' touch: not too fast, not too slow, just right!
Great characters are another key to great mysteries. We all remember the giants like Poirot or Miss Marple or Rebus or any number of great cat writers. But I find that it is actually the sub-cast of characters that separate the great from the good. And it's not usually the person or persons who get killed that are the most interesting. It's the Corporal under the Sergeant, or the old friend who always shows up with advice or a bottle of scotch at exactly the right time.
But what really sets the mystery category aside from all other writing is the added characteristic of surprise. Every mystery book has a few twists and turns but a great mystery book has an absolutely brilliant surprise. It may be that the butler didn't actually do it, but he was certainly involved in helping the less than legitimate heir bury the bodies. Or an unheard of relative who surfaced just after the will is read or… you get the picture.
Reading a great mystery book is like having a candle to light the way down a dark and unfamiliar hallway. You don't know what you are going to find down there, but you just have to go and see for yourself.
Mike Martin is the author of The Walker on the Cape, a Sgt. Windflower mystery.
Since I am a much better reader of mysteries than a writer I feel somewhat qualified to throw my oars into the water in giving my opinion about the qualities of a good mystery. We may all have our particular settings or styles or the love of blood or lack thereof in our mysteries I think we can all unite on one thing. A good mystery requires a good story.
Maybe that is the basic element of any book in any genre, even in non-fiction. The story has to get our attention and make us want to read more. For mystery books there has to be some element of the unknown that we are promised will be revealed if only we hang around long enough. Or even if we know 'who dun it' how the perpetrators are brought to justice or not may be enough to hold us fast to our seats and keep us turning the pages.
But how the story is told and the definition of the main characters are close behind in terms of factors that make up a good mystery. Style, pace and plot development are keys to ensuring that the reader is not just entertained, but engaged along the way. The sub-genres of mystery start diverging here, particularly around style which tends to involve detailed and sometimes flowery descriptions in cozies or technically detailed forensic talk in police procedurals. But they all come back together when it comes to the flow of the story. Good mysteries in all forms have a rhythm that somehow just seems right. Great mystery writers have the 'Goldilocks' touch: not too fast, not too slow, just right!
Great characters are another key to great mysteries. We all remember the giants like Poirot or Miss Marple or Rebus or any number of great cat writers. But I find that it is actually the sub-cast of characters that separate the great from the good. And it's not usually the person or persons who get killed that are the most interesting. It's the Corporal under the Sergeant, or the old friend who always shows up with advice or a bottle of scotch at exactly the right time.
But what really sets the mystery category aside from all other writing is the added characteristic of surprise. Every mystery book has a few twists and turns but a great mystery book has an absolutely brilliant surprise. It may be that the butler didn't actually do it, but he was certainly involved in helping the less than legitimate heir bury the bodies. Or an unheard of relative who surfaced just after the will is read or… you get the picture.
Reading a great mystery book is like having a candle to light the way down a dark and unfamiliar hallway. You don't know what you are going to find down there, but you just have to go and see for yourself.
Mike Martin is the author of The Walker on the Cape, a Sgt. Windflower mystery.
Friday, November 30, 2012
You're all invited!
In my pre-published writer days, I'd often hear my published friends make comments about each new launch of their latest titles. Comments like, friends being called on so often to come out to these, all that planning..., will my books be out in time?, and, it's as exciting with each new book.
Well, they're right. With the launch of Read and Buried, the second in the Ashton Corners Book Club mysteries coming up on Tues., Dec. 4th...I've caught myself thinking many of those thoughts. In duplicate because prior to the Ottawa launch, Joan Boswell and I are holding a launch in Toronto at the North York Public Library on Sun., Dec. 2, 2-4 p.m. So, double the planning but it's all fun, especially doing it with Joan. She'll also be launching her latest mystery, the fourth in the Hollis Grant series, Cut to the Bone, at both events.
Many Ottawans will know Joan because she lived her for many years while her kids were growing up. Although her primary residence these days is in Toronto, we enjoy her company in Ottawa for many months of the year. She's also a member of The Ladies' Killing Circle and we can be a dangerous bunch of gals.
Two more events are on the Dec. schedule. The first is the Merry Mystery evening at Sleuth of Baker Street, 907 Millwood Rd. in Toronto on Sat. Dec. 1, 5-7 p.m. The second is at Books on Beechwood in Ottawa, 35 Beechwood, on Thurs., Dec. 13, 6-8 p.m. for Murder, Mayhem and Mistletoe. Both will feature six mystery authors signing and schmoozing...a great way to stock up for Christmas giving.
Hectic is one way to describe it all. A blast, is another. Hope to see you at one of these. The Ottawa launch is Tues. Dec. 4, 7-9 p.m. at Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Room A. There will be refreshments, a donation wine bar by the Friends of Library and Archives, and books for sale by Books on Beechwood.
We'll have the murder, mayhem and mysteries...sorry, no mistletoe.
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime,now available
also available
In my pre-published writer days, I'd often hear my published friends make comments about each new launch of their latest titles. Comments like, friends being called on so often to come out to these, all that planning..., will my books be out in time?, and, it's as exciting with each new book.
Well, they're right. With the launch of Read and Buried, the second in the Ashton Corners Book Club mysteries coming up on Tues., Dec. 4th...I've caught myself thinking many of those thoughts. In duplicate because prior to the Ottawa launch, Joan Boswell and I are holding a launch in Toronto at the North York Public Library on Sun., Dec. 2, 2-4 p.m. So, double the planning but it's all fun, especially doing it with Joan. She'll also be launching her latest mystery, the fourth in the Hollis Grant series, Cut to the Bone, at both events.
Many Ottawans will know Joan because she lived her for many years while her kids were growing up. Although her primary residence these days is in Toronto, we enjoy her company in Ottawa for many months of the year. She's also a member of The Ladies' Killing Circle and we can be a dangerous bunch of gals.
Two more events are on the Dec. schedule. The first is the Merry Mystery evening at Sleuth of Baker Street, 907 Millwood Rd. in Toronto on Sat. Dec. 1, 5-7 p.m. The second is at Books on Beechwood in Ottawa, 35 Beechwood, on Thurs., Dec. 13, 6-8 p.m. for Murder, Mayhem and Mistletoe. Both will feature six mystery authors signing and schmoozing...a great way to stock up for Christmas giving.
Hectic is one way to describe it all. A blast, is another. Hope to see you at one of these. The Ottawa launch is Tues. Dec. 4, 7-9 p.m. at Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St., Room A. There will be refreshments, a donation wine bar by the Friends of Library and Archives, and books for sale by Books on Beechwood.
We'll have the murder, mayhem and mysteries...sorry, no mistletoe.
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime,now available
also available
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Next Big Thing continues....
It's my turn today! On Monday, Mary Jane Maffini took The Next Big Thing challenge. Today, it's Erika Chase on board! I was invited to take part in this blog circle by my good friend and fellow mystery writer Barbara Fradkin. It’s sort of a ‘tell five friends’ thing. These questions funneled down from our friend Vicki Delany. You can find Barbara over at and Vicki at
The Next Big Thing:
What is your working title of your book?
The third book in the Ashton Corners Book Club mysteries is titled COVER STORY and it’s due out early next fall.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
My often-overactive imagination. I’ve been wanting to introduce a ‘colourful’ Southern gal to the mix and I think I’ve found her in Teensy Coldicutt, an old school friend of Molly Mathews who returns to town after many years away, having written her first novel, which she describes as a modern Gone With the Wind. When asked what she’s done about the civil war component, Teensy states she’s compensated with a lot of steamy sex. (Don’t worry….she never reads from these scenes!)
What genre does your book fall under?
Cosy mystery.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I’d love a slightly younger (sorry, Sandra) Sandra Bullock to play Lizzie Turner, the teaching specialist who starts the book club and is the main character. Still casting for Lizzie’s love interest, Police Chief Mark Dreyfus. I see Candace Bergen as Molly Mathews and Nicholas Campbell would make the perfect Bob Miller.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
The upcoming book launch of Teensy Coldicutt’s first novel unleashes a plot to steal the books, leading to assault, murder, counterfeit money and general mayhem for the Ashton Corners Book Club sleuths.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
The publisher of the series is Berkley Prime Crime, part of the Penguin Group. I’m represented by Bookends Literary Agency.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I’m on a nine-month deadline with each book so I’d probably say it took about 5 months for the first draft. Or so.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Books by fellow Berkley authors Mary Jane Maffini, Janet Bolin, Victoria Hamilton – all Canadians, too!
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
My contract. And, as I mentioned earlier, the desire to create a colourful new character.
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Each character presents his or her own reading list, offering possible new suggestions for the reader. If you enjoy mystery books, this is the book club for you!
We’ve been asked to link to five other writers but, writers being writers, most are busy writing. I’d love you to visit Victoria Hamilton’s site, though. It’s at Enjoy this new cosy series!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
READ and BURIED, coming Dec., 2012, available for pre-order
It's my turn today! On Monday, Mary Jane Maffini took The Next Big Thing challenge. Today, it's Erika Chase on board! I was invited to take part in this blog circle by my good friend and fellow mystery writer Barbara Fradkin. It’s sort of a ‘tell five friends’ thing. These questions funneled down from our friend Vicki Delany. You can find Barbara over at and Vicki at
The Next Big Thing:
What is your working title of your book?
The third book in the Ashton Corners Book Club mysteries is titled COVER STORY and it’s due out early next fall.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
My often-overactive imagination. I’ve been wanting to introduce a ‘colourful’ Southern gal to the mix and I think I’ve found her in Teensy Coldicutt, an old school friend of Molly Mathews who returns to town after many years away, having written her first novel, which she describes as a modern Gone With the Wind. When asked what she’s done about the civil war component, Teensy states she’s compensated with a lot of steamy sex. (Don’t worry….she never reads from these scenes!)
What genre does your book fall under?
Cosy mystery.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I’d love a slightly younger (sorry, Sandra) Sandra Bullock to play Lizzie Turner, the teaching specialist who starts the book club and is the main character. Still casting for Lizzie’s love interest, Police Chief Mark Dreyfus. I see Candace Bergen as Molly Mathews and Nicholas Campbell would make the perfect Bob Miller.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
The upcoming book launch of Teensy Coldicutt’s first novel unleashes a plot to steal the books, leading to assault, murder, counterfeit money and general mayhem for the Ashton Corners Book Club sleuths.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
The publisher of the series is Berkley Prime Crime, part of the Penguin Group. I’m represented by Bookends Literary Agency.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I’m on a nine-month deadline with each book so I’d probably say it took about 5 months for the first draft. Or so.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Books by fellow Berkley authors Mary Jane Maffini, Janet Bolin, Victoria Hamilton – all Canadians, too!
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
My contract. And, as I mentioned earlier, the desire to create a colourful new character.
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Each character presents his or her own reading list, offering possible new suggestions for the reader. If you enjoy mystery books, this is the book club for you!
We’ve been asked to link to five other writers but, writers being writers, most are busy writing. I’d love you to visit Victoria Hamilton’s site, though. It’s at Enjoy this new cosy series!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
READ and BURIED, coming Dec., 2012, available for pre-order
Monday, November 26, 2012
Welcome back, Mary Jane! -- Mystery Maven
It’s been almost a year since I’ve been here at Mystery Maven and I’m really glad to be back in this celebration of Canadian mysteries and Canadian mystery writers.
Today I would like to lead you into The Next Big Thing: which involves answering ten questions about my work in progress, although I have to call it our work in progress as it’s a collaboration with my daughter, Victoria. We are writing as Victoria Abbott. The Christie Curse, the first in the book collector mystery series, will hit the stands on March 6 and we are already working on the second book. We love talking about our latest project.
These questions come from our friend, Barbara Fradkin (and before that from Vicki Delany). You can find Barbara over at and Vicki at Both are always well worth reading!
So here are the Q’s followed by our A’s.
What is your working title of your book?
The Sayers Swindle is the second in the Book Collectors series, following The Christie Curse, which debuts in March 2013.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
The idea came from a discussion with my editor and agent followed much evil plotting with my collaborator and daughter, Victoria Maffini and the addition of one cat and one pug. I have always been interested in the unexplained disappearance of Agatha Christie in 1926, a disappearance that is still shrouded in mystery. Of course, that would have to be connected with the idea of a newly discovered manuscript, possibly an unknown Christie, the idea that drives the book. Did Agatha have time to write a play in those few days? What collector wouldn’t salivate over such a manuscript if she had? Oh yes, it might be deliciously dangerous.
What genre does your book fall under?
It seems like a good example of a cozy mystery, a sub-genre we both love. If there was a sub-sub-genre of humorous cozy with rare books, mysterious manuscripts, valuable antiques, vintage clothes, criminal relatives and cats with really sharp claws, it would be a really really good example of that.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
We’d see the remarkable Ellen Page as Jordan Bingham, our protagonist, Mary Walsh as Vera Van Alst, Ryan Gosling as the spectacularly hot reference librarian, Lance DeWitt, and David Paetkau (that’s handsome Sam from Flashpoint)as Officer Tyler(Smiley) Dekker, Mark Critch as Uncle Mick of Michael Kelly’s Fine Antiques, Kevin O’Leary (in a rare non-speaking part) as Uncle Lucky, and Sean Cullen (in a never-shutting up part) as Uncle Danny. Other uncles are on the way and last but not in the least least, Elvira Kurtz as Senora Fiammetta Panetone.
We’re not sure if there’s a career in casting ahead for us.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Missing first editions of Dorothy L Sayers classics, lead to mayhem, murder, mud, mutts and more for Jordan Bingham, book sleuth and reliable dogsbody of reclusive collector Vera Van Alst, the most hated woman in Harrison Falls, New York.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
We are represented by BookEnds Literary Agency and published by Berkley Prime Crime.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
We’re half-way through the second book. We expect it to take six months or more in total, but that doesn’t include advance planning, intense plotting and re-reading all those wonderful Dorothy L. Sayers books. I’m in the middle of Busman’s Honeymoon now.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I think it is like cozy mysteries, like Erika Chase’s Ashton Corners series (we think you might know her). There’s a lot about relationships, books, especially mysteries, friendships, food, a bit of romance and of course, the pesky bodies.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
The love of classic mysteries was the big thing. The authors Agatha Christie and Dorothy L Sayers created works that continue to entertain today and they changed the face of crime fiction. In the course of writing the books, we learned a lot about the two amazing woman who shaped the modern mystery.
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Well, who doesn’t like a magnificent old house, a library full of collectible books, a bi-polar Siamese cat, vintage clothing and jewelry, a pampered pug, Italian food, a bit of romance, some crooked relatives and a few recipes? Never mind the grumpy boss. Nothing’s perfect.
We were supposed to send you forward to five other mystery authors, but (true story!) our five mystery authors have been kidnapped by aliens and so couldn’t take part in time. Never mind, I’ll tell you about their books in this and other blogs as the year wears on. I look forward to it.
Mary Jane Maffini
rides herd on three (soon to be three and a half) mystery series and a couple of dozen short stories. Look for the new Victoria Abbott website starting on Wednesday -
It’s been almost a year since I’ve been here at Mystery Maven and I’m really glad to be back in this celebration of Canadian mysteries and Canadian mystery writers.
Today I would like to lead you into The Next Big Thing: which involves answering ten questions about my work in progress, although I have to call it our work in progress as it’s a collaboration with my daughter, Victoria. We are writing as Victoria Abbott. The Christie Curse, the first in the book collector mystery series, will hit the stands on March 6 and we are already working on the second book. We love talking about our latest project.
These questions come from our friend, Barbara Fradkin (and before that from Vicki Delany). You can find Barbara over at and Vicki at Both are always well worth reading!
So here are the Q’s followed by our A’s.
What is your working title of your book?
The Sayers Swindle is the second in the Book Collectors series, following The Christie Curse, which debuts in March 2013.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
The idea came from a discussion with my editor and agent followed much evil plotting with my collaborator and daughter, Victoria Maffini and the addition of one cat and one pug. I have always been interested in the unexplained disappearance of Agatha Christie in 1926, a disappearance that is still shrouded in mystery. Of course, that would have to be connected with the idea of a newly discovered manuscript, possibly an unknown Christie, the idea that drives the book. Did Agatha have time to write a play in those few days? What collector wouldn’t salivate over such a manuscript if she had? Oh yes, it might be deliciously dangerous.
What genre does your book fall under?
It seems like a good example of a cozy mystery, a sub-genre we both love. If there was a sub-sub-genre of humorous cozy with rare books, mysterious manuscripts, valuable antiques, vintage clothes, criminal relatives and cats with really sharp claws, it would be a really really good example of that.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
We’d see the remarkable Ellen Page as Jordan Bingham, our protagonist, Mary Walsh as Vera Van Alst, Ryan Gosling as the spectacularly hot reference librarian, Lance DeWitt, and David Paetkau (that’s handsome Sam from Flashpoint)as Officer Tyler(Smiley) Dekker, Mark Critch as Uncle Mick of Michael Kelly’s Fine Antiques, Kevin O’Leary (in a rare non-speaking part) as Uncle Lucky, and Sean Cullen (in a never-shutting up part) as Uncle Danny. Other uncles are on the way and last but not in the least least, Elvira Kurtz as Senora Fiammetta Panetone.
We’re not sure if there’s a career in casting ahead for us.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Missing first editions of Dorothy L Sayers classics, lead to mayhem, murder, mud, mutts and more for Jordan Bingham, book sleuth and reliable dogsbody of reclusive collector Vera Van Alst, the most hated woman in Harrison Falls, New York.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
We are represented by BookEnds Literary Agency and published by Berkley Prime Crime.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
We’re half-way through the second book. We expect it to take six months or more in total, but that doesn’t include advance planning, intense plotting and re-reading all those wonderful Dorothy L. Sayers books. I’m in the middle of Busman’s Honeymoon now.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I think it is like cozy mysteries, like Erika Chase’s Ashton Corners series (we think you might know her). There’s a lot about relationships, books, especially mysteries, friendships, food, a bit of romance and of course, the pesky bodies.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
The love of classic mysteries was the big thing. The authors Agatha Christie and Dorothy L Sayers created works that continue to entertain today and they changed the face of crime fiction. In the course of writing the books, we learned a lot about the two amazing woman who shaped the modern mystery.
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Well, who doesn’t like a magnificent old house, a library full of collectible books, a bi-polar Siamese cat, vintage clothing and jewelry, a pampered pug, Italian food, a bit of romance, some crooked relatives and a few recipes? Never mind the grumpy boss. Nothing’s perfect.
We were supposed to send you forward to five other mystery authors, but (true story!) our five mystery authors have been kidnapped by aliens and so couldn’t take part in time. Never mind, I’ll tell you about their books in this and other blogs as the year wears on. I look forward to it.
Mary Jane Maffini
Friday, November 23, 2012
One of those days...
Well, maybe it's been one of those weeks so TGIF!
I'm seriously considering having a computer-free weekend. I would have made it today, Friday but realized I have this blog plus another commitment that requires the computer. My reason -- I'd really love to have a stress-free day in my life.
I know I've ranted (very recently, too) about my electronics woes. Well, they have continued. I've just bailed two computers out of the service centre which leaves me wondering, what did we spend our money on in those days when we didn't have computers, iPads, iPhones, iWhatevers?
Ah, but the tale continues. Time to whip up a new bookmark and also update Erika's website. Bad move, trying to do them both at the same time. Added stress.
Question -- what sound does a writer make when nothing uploads to a site? You don't want to know. Bad enough I was having trouble with one site but to have the second one be uncooperative at the same time -- total, major stress.
And, having both computers in the shop meant, what to write on? Ok, I could do it the old longhand way and I do know writers who do their, or her in this case, first draft in longhand. But I have this problem of not being able to read my writing after the first two paragraphs or so. May this added a bit of stress, too.
My computer also let me know that Douglas & McIntyre has thrown in the towel. That's another very savvy, very respected Canadian publisher that's out of the picture. However, I refuse to take the gloom & doom road. It's not a bleak picture, it's just in transition. I'm hoping with all fingers and toes crossed that publishers and booksellers are adjusting to the changing market and by doing so, will eventually (note this word!) result in a stronger platform for the writers!
Time will tell and I'm sure I'll find out on the internet. Because although I need a break from this stressful world, it does have it's benefits. I did receive a very nice email from a reader today!
Maybe, it's time for a holiday!!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
READ and BURIED, coming Dec., 2012, available for pre-order
Well, maybe it's been one of those weeks so TGIF!
I'm seriously considering having a computer-free weekend. I would have made it today, Friday but realized I have this blog plus another commitment that requires the computer. My reason -- I'd really love to have a stress-free day in my life.
I know I've ranted (very recently, too) about my electronics woes. Well, they have continued. I've just bailed two computers out of the service centre which leaves me wondering, what did we spend our money on in those days when we didn't have computers, iPads, iPhones, iWhatevers?
Ah, but the tale continues. Time to whip up a new bookmark and also update Erika's website. Bad move, trying to do them both at the same time. Added stress.
Question -- what sound does a writer make when nothing uploads to a site? You don't want to know. Bad enough I was having trouble with one site but to have the second one be uncooperative at the same time -- total, major stress.
And, having both computers in the shop meant, what to write on? Ok, I could do it the old longhand way and I do know writers who do their, or her in this case, first draft in longhand. But I have this problem of not being able to read my writing after the first two paragraphs or so. May this added a bit of stress, too.
My computer also let me know that Douglas & McIntyre has thrown in the towel. That's another very savvy, very respected Canadian publisher that's out of the picture. However, I refuse to take the gloom & doom road. It's not a bleak picture, it's just in transition. I'm hoping with all fingers and toes crossed that publishers and booksellers are adjusting to the changing market and by doing so, will eventually (note this word!) result in a stronger platform for the writers!
Time will tell and I'm sure I'll find out on the internet. Because although I need a break from this stressful world, it does have it's benefits. I did receive a very nice email from a reader today!
Maybe, it's time for a holiday!!
Linda Wiken/Erika Chase
Berkley Prime Crime, now available
READ and BURIED, coming Dec., 2012, available for pre-order
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
New tricks for an old dog
Writers are creative multi-taskers; we are often promoting one book while doing final edits on the second and brainstorming the first draft of yet a third. The wheels of the publishing world move very slowly and unless we are a couple of spins ahead, there will be long gaps between books.
Thus it is that I find myself writing the initial chapters of the tenth – tenth!! – Inspector Green mystery before the ninth has even hit the bookshelves. The Whisper of Legends is due out in April 2013, and I am thinking about launches, book tours, signings, appearances and all that fun stuff. But lest there be another two-year gap between books, I am also preparing the next book for submission to the acquisitions editor. With my new publisher, this process includes writing a dreaded synopsis. Every writer’s nightmare.
The challenge for me is that I have always written without an outline or any clear idea of where I’m going, what’s going to happen and how it will all be resolved (including whodunit). Difficult to write a synopsis when you don’t know the plot. When I absolutely could not get out of writing a synopsis, I did it after the book was written.
However, an interesting thing happened to me on the way to this new book. I wrote two Rapid Reads easy-read novels for another publisher. Quite a different writing process and style! These books are short, linear and chronological. For the submission process, three opening chapters and a detailed chapter outline were required. Chapter outline? Even worse than a synopsis, where at least you can fudge the middle and maybe even the ending.
I managed to do the outline for the two Rapid Reads books, because they were short and linear, and I also found that, contrary to my fear that the outline would stifle my creativity during the actual writing, I was able to move easily back and forth between the outline and the actual story, allowing each to influence and improve the other.
That was an interesting revelation. But surely it only worked on these simple books, with their uncomplicated story arcs and limited subplots and characters.
So I embarked on my first draft of the newest Inspector Green using my time-tested “fly by the seat of my pants” technique. I wrote the first four chapters in this fashion, enjoying the freedom but being troubled by the niggling question of ‘where was this going?’ Until this book, that question had never bothered me, but now I was fretting about the synopsis I still had to write about the rest of the book. What would I say? What were the plot twists and discoveries?
After finishing the chapters, I sat down to sketch out some plot ideas, and before I knew it I was writing a chapter outline all the way to the end! (Sort of). Aack! I was going to short-circuit the creative process and end up with a paint-by-numbers book!
The chapter outline is now sitting on my computer, waiting for me to play with it, throw it out, use it for the dreaded synopsis and then throw it out, or maybe even use it to help me write the book. But it is there, concrete proof of my first foray into the world of pre-planned writing. Whether it will improve my writing or not, it’s been an interesting experience. It’s the first time I’ve had a vision, however flawed, of the whole book including the end. I know the outline will be a comforting refuge when I confront those moments of terror every writer experiences. That moment when you wonder where on earth you’re going and why are you pretending to be a writer anyway.
So stay tuned for further updates on my first draft efforts of None So Blind, and the success of the outline approach. Does it improve or stultify? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Barbara Fradkin is a child psychologist with a fascination for how we turn bad. In addition to her darkly haunting short stories in the Ladies Killing Circle anthologies, she writes the gritty, Ottawa-based Inspector Green novels which havewon back to back Arthur Ellis Awards for Best Novel from Crime Writers of Canada. The eighth in the series, Beautiful Lie the Dead, explores love in all its complications. And, her Rapid Read from Orca, The Fall Guy, was launched last year.
Writers are creative multi-taskers; we are often promoting one book while doing final edits on the second and brainstorming the first draft of yet a third. The wheels of the publishing world move very slowly and unless we are a couple of spins ahead, there will be long gaps between books.
Thus it is that I find myself writing the initial chapters of the tenth – tenth!! – Inspector Green mystery before the ninth has even hit the bookshelves. The Whisper of Legends is due out in April 2013, and I am thinking about launches, book tours, signings, appearances and all that fun stuff. But lest there be another two-year gap between books, I am also preparing the next book for submission to the acquisitions editor. With my new publisher, this process includes writing a dreaded synopsis. Every writer’s nightmare.
The challenge for me is that I have always written without an outline or any clear idea of where I’m going, what’s going to happen and how it will all be resolved (including whodunit). Difficult to write a synopsis when you don’t know the plot. When I absolutely could not get out of writing a synopsis, I did it after the book was written.
However, an interesting thing happened to me on the way to this new book. I wrote two Rapid Reads easy-read novels for another publisher. Quite a different writing process and style! These books are short, linear and chronological. For the submission process, three opening chapters and a detailed chapter outline were required. Chapter outline? Even worse than a synopsis, where at least you can fudge the middle and maybe even the ending.
I managed to do the outline for the two Rapid Reads books, because they were short and linear, and I also found that, contrary to my fear that the outline would stifle my creativity during the actual writing, I was able to move easily back and forth between the outline and the actual story, allowing each to influence and improve the other.
That was an interesting revelation. But surely it only worked on these simple books, with their uncomplicated story arcs and limited subplots and characters.
So I embarked on my first draft of the newest Inspector Green using my time-tested “fly by the seat of my pants” technique. I wrote the first four chapters in this fashion, enjoying the freedom but being troubled by the niggling question of ‘where was this going?’ Until this book, that question had never bothered me, but now I was fretting about the synopsis I still had to write about the rest of the book. What would I say? What were the plot twists and discoveries?
After finishing the chapters, I sat down to sketch out some plot ideas, and before I knew it I was writing a chapter outline all the way to the end! (Sort of). Aack! I was going to short-circuit the creative process and end up with a paint-by-numbers book!
The chapter outline is now sitting on my computer, waiting for me to play with it, throw it out, use it for the dreaded synopsis and then throw it out, or maybe even use it to help me write the book. But it is there, concrete proof of my first foray into the world of pre-planned writing. Whether it will improve my writing or not, it’s been an interesting experience. It’s the first time I’ve had a vision, however flawed, of the whole book including the end. I know the outline will be a comforting refuge when I confront those moments of terror every writer experiences. That moment when you wonder where on earth you’re going and why are you pretending to be a writer anyway.
So stay tuned for further updates on my first draft efforts of None So Blind, and the success of the outline approach. Does it improve or stultify? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Barbara Fradkin is a child psychologist with a fascination for how we turn bad. In addition to her darkly haunting short stories in the Ladies Killing Circle anthologies, she writes the gritty, Ottawa-based Inspector Green novels which havewon back to back Arthur Ellis Awards for Best Novel from Crime Writers of Canada. The eighth in the series, Beautiful Lie the Dead, explores love in all its complications. And, her Rapid Read from Orca, The Fall Guy, was launched last year.
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